Week 1: Kitchen Makeover Takeover
I’ve always loved the creative challenge of tackling small budget room makeovers, but I’m about to begin a thrifty kitchen overhaul that is throwing me a few curve balls before I even crack open a paint can!
The kitchen is in my Mom’s rental condo, so there are not only limits on the budget, but also on what I can actually do. Everything is in good working condition, but the finishes are dated and definitely showing some wear and tear. So, we've gotten permission from the landlord to do a no-demo-reno and paint a lot of the surfaces, because… ”If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! PAINT IT!”
However, we’ve been asked not to paint the backsplash, and the existing appliances have to stay, so I'll need to be extra creative with some renter-friendly DIY solutions.
I’ll be waving a magic wand (aka. a paint brush) and using various Rust-Oleum products to paint everything from the laminate cabinets and countertop to the walls and floor. And I’ll be sharing every single project with how-to tutorials over the next 8 weeks as a guest participant in the One Room Challenge.
But before I can roll up my sleeves and get to work, I need YOUR help!
I’ve created two style boards and I’m leaving the final choice up to you. Bespoke Bistro? Or Modern Cucina? Cast your vote by leaving a comment below and let me know which one you would choose. The board with the most votes will be the winning design, so stay tuned to see which one rises to the top!

Want a closer look around the space? Click HERE and then swing by the official One Room Challenge website for a peek at all the other participant’s projects! And come back next week to see which DIY project I’ll be tackling first.
Welcome to week 1 of my #KitchenMakeoverTakeover!
Carrie —
Bespoke Bistro!
Barbara Blackburn —
I like the Modern Cucina.