Issue 4: Happy Halloween
It’s the HUEsday before Halloween, and although this year may look a little different than years past, I still have all of the creepy and kooky feels!
For as long as I can remember, it’s been my favourite holiday! I always loved playing dress-up as a child, but then toss free candy and chocolate into the mix, and you had me at HELLOween!
Now, some may think it’s weird for a grown-ass woman to still want to play dress-up all the time, but somehow I’ve managed to make it legit by adding “Costume Connoisseur” to my job description at Cityline!
It’s almost unimaginable to think that I’ve been a DIY & Lifestyle Expert on the show for 15 years now *GULP* ...and yes, I DID start when I was 12! ;)
But for the past 8 years, I’ve successfully weaselled my way into playing adult dress-up on the annual Halloween specials, and those have been some of my favourite TV moments ever!
So, in the spirit of all things mysterious and spooky, I thought I’d take you on a quick scroll down memory lane...
Now, Cityline wasn’t going to let a Pandemic spoil the Halloween fun this year!
I’m probably going to have a spell cast on me for sharing a sneak peek of this year’s INSANELY AWESOME production before it airs… I repeat… INSANELY AWESOME! But I can’t keep the black cat in the bag any longer!
This year, I got to play dress-up not once, but TWICE!
Based on my characters and costumes, any guess what our theme is?
Want a CLUE?
Ahem… never mind! ;)
It's Cityline's Halloween Special - and it's a murder mystery!
We’re warming up the confetti cannons for the looooong awaited launch of our online shop… EEEEK! An invite will be hitting your inbox next week to the virtual launch party, PLUS we have a few extra surprises up our sleeves, so stay tuned and stay fabulous!
See you next HUEsday!